Significance and Virtues of Shabe Qadr in Islam

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4 min readApr 20, 2023


Significance and Virtues of Shabe Qadr in Islam

Shabe Qadr is also known as the Night of Power or Night of Decree, is a highly significant and revered night in the Islamic faith. It falls in the last ten nights of Ramadan and is believed to be the night when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In this article, we will explore the virtues of Laylatul Qadr and what makes it such a special night for Muslims.

The Significance of Shabe Qadr in Islam

Shabe Qadr is considered one of the most blessed nights in the Islamic calendar. The Quran describes it as a night that is better than a thousand months. This means that any good deeds performed on this night are worth more than the deeds of a thousand months.

The exact date of Shabe Qadr is not known, but it is believed to occur on one of the odd-numbered nights during the last ten days of Ramadan. Many Muslims spend these last ten nights in prayer, seeking to catch the night of power.

The Virtues of Shabe Qadr

1. Forgiveness of Sins

One of the most significant virtues of Shabe Qadr is the forgiveness of sins. It is believed that on this night, Allah is more likely to forgive the sins of those who seek his forgiveness. Muslims believe that by repentance and seeking forgiveness on this night, they can wipe away all their.

2. Increased Rewards from Allah

As mentioned earlier, any good deeds performed on Shabe Qadr are worth more than the deeds of a thousand months. This means that Muslims who perform acts of worship on this night will be rewarded many times over. It is said that the reward for performing just one unit of prayer on this night is equivalent to performing that prayer for a thousand months.

3. Answered Prayers

Muslims believe that Allah is more likely to answer their prayers on Shabe Qadr. This is a night of great blessings and mercy, and it is believed that Allah is more receptive to the supplications of his servants on this night. Many Muslims spend the night in prayer, reciting Quranic verses and making supplications.

4. Spiritual Development

Shabe Qadr is a night of spiritual development for Muslims. It is an opportunity to connect with Allah and seek his guidance and blessings. Many Muslims spend the night in prayer, reflecting on their lives and seeking to improve their relationship with Allah.

5. Revelation of the Quran

Shabe Qadr is believed to be the night when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Quran is the holy book of Islam and is considered the word of Allah. Muslims believe that the Quran contains guidance for all humanity and that its teachings are timeless and relevant.

6. Night of Destiny

Shabe Qadr is also known as the Night of Destiny or the Night of Decree. It is believed that on this night, Allah determines the destiny of every individual for the coming year. Muslims believe that on this night, Allah writes down the destiny of each person, including their lifespan, their sustenance, and their future.

How to Make the Most of Shabe Qadr

Shabe Qadr, also known as the Night of Power, is a significant night in the Islamic calendar that falls in the last ten days of Ramadan. It is believed to be the night when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The best way to make the most of Shabe Qadr is to spend the night in prayer and worship. Here are some of the things that Muslims can do on this blessed night:

1. Perform Night Prayers

Muslims are encouraged to perform extra prayers on Shabe Qadr. Pray: Muslims perform as many prayers as possible during the Night of Power. It is a time to connect with Allah (SWT) and seek His blessings.

2. Seek forgiveness

The Night of Power is an excellent opportunity to seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT) for all the sins committed. Muslims repent for their past mistakes, ask Allah for forgiveness, and vow to not commit the same mistakes in the future.

3. Recite the Quran

Muslims recite the Quran during the Night of Power. It is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the words of Allah and seek guidance from it.

4. Give charity

Muslims give charity during the Night of Power. Giving charity is an act of worship and helps in seeking the blessings of Allah.

5. Perform acts of kindness

Muslims perform acts of kindness during the Night of Power. They help others, feed the hungry, and do good deeds to seek the pleasure of Allah (SWT).

6. Stay Awake

Muslims try to stay awake during the Night of Power and spend the entire night in worship and remembrance of Allah.

7. Make Dua

Muslims should make Dua during the Night of Power. They should ask Allah for forgiveness, guidance, and blessings.

Overall, the Night of Power is an excellent opportunity for Muslims to seek forgiveness, reflect on their lives, and draw closer to Allah. It is a night of immense blessings, and Muslims should make the most of it by engaging in acts of worship and kindness.

Laylatul Qadr Dua:

Laylatul Qadr Dua



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